Monday 3 October 2022

Có gì để chạnh lòng?

Nguyễn Trung Tú mỉa mai: 
 Mỹ  chưa bao giờ tuyên bố chấm dứt chiếm đóng nước Đức và trên thực tế vẫn đang chiếm đóng nước Đức.
Ách chiếm đóng đã gần 80 năm và sẽ kéo dài vĩnh viễn, đừng có mơ tưởng gì nhé.


Sự thật là Mỹ, Anh và Pháp đã tuyên bố chấm dứt chiếm đóng Đức ngày 5 tháng 5 năm 1955 nhưng Nguyễn Trung Tú không biết hoặc giả vờ không biết. Tuyên bố của Mỹ, Anh và Pháp hôm 5 tháng 5 năm 1955 có đăng báo đàng hoàng nhưng Nguyễn Trung Túc không đọc hoặc giả vờ không đọc. Hoặc không biết, hoặc không đọc nhưng vẫn viết và nói như biết hết, đọc hết rồi.


Occupation Regime Ends

Bonn, May 5

The Federal German Republic became a sovereign State to-day ten years after the fall of Hitler's Reich. This event has been greeted throughout the country with restrained and sober approval, but there have been no national celebrations. After considerable discussion the Government decided that such celebrations should wait for the day when Germany is reunified and finally free.

This morning the Allied High Commission met for the last time in the American headquarters in Mehlem and declared its own abolition. At the same time it signed a proclamation revoking the occupation statute and issued a short communiqué. The chair at this final meeting was taken by the doyen of the commission, the French High Commissioner, M. François-Poncet, who paid tribute on behalf of his colleagues to the work of all members of the commission and to the co-operation of representatives of all three countries.

The commission promulgated two laws as the final administrative act of the Allied occupation. These were acts repealing all outstanding Allied High Commission legislation, including the functions of its law courts, which now cease to exist.

Sir Anthony's Message

At noon the British and French High Commissioners called on Dr Adenauer in the Palais Schaumburg, where they handed to him the instruments of ratification of the Paris Agreements ending the occupation regime. The British High Commissioner, Sir Frederick Hoyer-Millar, also delivered two messages to the Chancellor, one from the Prime Minister, Sir Anthony Eden, and the other from the Foreign Secretary, Mr Macmillan. In his message Sir Anthony welcomed Germany as an equal partner among the Western nations, and went on:

"This happy outcome has called for much resolution. I should like to pay a tribute to the patience which you, Mr Chancellor, have shown and to the courage and statesmanship with which you have overcome the many difficulties you have had to face. Much remains to be done before the security of the free world is finally assured, but I know that we shall travel on this road together."

M. François-Poncet also deposited the draft of the Saar agreement, and both he and Dr Adenauer added their signatures to those of President Coty and President Heuss.

After the ceremony Dr Adenauer presided at a Cabinet meeting, where the text of a proclamation on Germany's newly won sovereignty was agreed. This proclamation, which was read in the Bundestag, declared the intention of the Federal Republic to take its place at the side of the free nations of the West and to commit itself wholeheartedly to the cause of freedom and democracy. The Federal Republic, it added, would do all in its power to free the Germans of the Soviet zone and those who were still detained as prisoners of war.

The proclamation was read by the Speaker, Herr Gerstenmaler; and spokesmen of all the political parties made short addresses which, with one exception, expressed their approval. The exception was the speech of the Leader of the Opposition , Herr Ollenhauer, who said that this was no occasion for rejoicing. Germany, he declared, remained divided, and its real sovereignty would only be established when the country was reunified. At three o'clock this afternoon the red, black, and gold flag f the Federal Republic was formally hoisted on all public buildings in Bonn.

This evening Sir Frederick Hoyer-Millar and M. François-Poncet presented their credentials as Ambassadors to President Heuss. (Dr Conant did not do so as since his appointment has not yet been approved by the United States Senate.)

Status of Berlin

The Western Allied Commandants in Berlin to-day issued a declaration on the status of the city to supersede the existing statement of principles and duties of the occupation regime there. Allied controls have been relaxed with a view towards ensuring the greatest possible degree of self-government for Berlin, which, owing to its geographical situation, cannot be given the sovereignty which it would automatically enjoy if it were part of the Federal Republic.

The most obvious results of the ending of the occupation regime in Germany are as follows:

1. Practical steps can now be taken to rearm Germany and to raise an army of twelve divisions. 2. The Federal Republic will enjoy full sovereignty and diplomatic independence and can open diplomatic relations with any country. 3. The Federal Republic secures full judicial sovereignty with the exception of immediate legal jurisdiction over members of the Allied armed forces. Allied military families and other nationalities in Germany come under German legislation. No Germans can in future be tried in Allied courts. 4. Displaced persons will no longer enjoy Allied protection. 5. All restrictions on industry, including aircraft production and the development of atomic power, are annulled. 6. All effective Allied legislation has been repealed, but one Allied law - that limiting the creation of industrial cartels - has been taken over by the Federal Government until it produces its own anti-trust legislation.

Western European Union in Being

Brussels, May 5

The Western European Union came into being here to-day when Britain, France, and Germany deposited their ratification instruments with the Belgian Government. No ceremonies marked the handing in of the papers by diplomatic officials at the Foreign Ministry here. The four other member nations of the union had already completed the process of ratification. - Reuter.



Nếu quân Mỹ ở Tây Đức sau năm 1955 là quân chiếm đóng thì quân Liên Xô ở Đông Đức từ 1955 đến 1990 là quân gì?
Đức có gì để chạnh lòng sau tháng 5 năm 1955?

Đứa quanh năm bỏ phiếu trắng lại đi chạnh lòng hộ người cẩn ngôn.

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